Children’s Dentistry

At C4AD, we not only cater to the kids, but we also prioritise them. Our holistic approach emphasises early orthodontic intervention for a healthier child all round.

Dentistry for the Kids

Of course, we offer child-friendly versions of all our general dentistry services. Dental formation begins as early as birth, and lifestyle choices such as breastfeeding or transitioning to solid foods can all play an influential part. Our holistic approach to dentistry means we work with lactation consultants, ENT surgeons, and speech pathologists to address all aspects of the problem. We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere that will spark enthusiasm for a child’s next dental visit.

At C4AD, we have children’s dentistry covered. We will even take things a step further and address orthodontic issues as early as age five.


The Myobrace System treats underlying causes of crooked teeth, often negating the need for braces or tooth extraction. It taps into natural dental development and best suits children aged between three and fifteen. Treatment consists of a series of intraoral appliances to be worn for one to two hours per day, as well as overnight, and daily exercises for the tongue and facial muscles.

The Myobrace System can correct bad habits (such as thumb-sucking or grinding), align the jaw, straighten the teeth, and optimise facial development. It does this by encouraging nose breathing and correct swallowing, as well as by correcting the tongue’s resting position and keeping the lips together.

As Myobrace System guides the shape of your child’s teeth structure while it is still developing, many parents elect this treatment as it could potentially eliminate or lessen the need for orthodontic treatment at a later stage.

The Children’s Dental Benefits Schedule

At C4AD, we are proud to count ourselves among those dentists who recognise the Children’s Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). The CDBS is a medicare entitlement that exists to assist children aged between two and seventeen. Your child may be eligible for up to $1,026 worth of basic dental treatments over two years, provided they or your family is receiving the Family Tax Benefit Part A or any of the below Centrelink benefits:

  • Youth Allowance
  • ABSTUDY Allowance
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Parenting Payment
  • Special Benefit
  • Carer Payment
  • Double Orphan Pension.